Ready to create a Facebook pixel?

A pixel unlocks a totally new level of advertising on Facebook and its placements. With a Facebook pixel, you can do much more than just measure the impact of your marketing strategies on multiple target audiences.

As the major Facebook ad tracking tool, pixel code allows millions of website publishers to learn about their customers from another side, come up with unique targeting techniques, and even automatically generate ads.

Before learning how to create…


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How to Create a Facebook Pixel

How to Create a Facebook Pixel

Ready to create a Facebook pixel?

A pixel unlocks a totally new level of advertising on Facebook and its placements. With a Facebook pixel, you can do much more than just measure the impact of your marketing strategies on multiple target audiences.

As the major Facebook ad tracking tool, pixel code allows millions of website publishers to learn about their customers from another side, come up with unique targeting techniques, and even automatically generate ads.

Before learning how to create a Facebook pixel and do it right, however, make sure you know how to unleash the full potential of Facebook ad tracking software by reading our guide on what Facebook pixel is and why you should use it.

If you’re ready to go on, let’s do it right now.

How Can I Create a Facebook Pixel for My Ads?  

First of all, you’ll need a Facebook Business Manager account. 

Once you have one, follow these four simple steps:

Step 1. Launch Events Manager

Events Manager is a sub-platform where all Facebook pixel activity happens. From Events Manager, you can monitor how, where, and why your conversions happen.

Create a Facebook pixel — Events Manager

To launch Events Manager, go to Business Manager, open a dropdown menu, and click the Events Manager icon. Once you’re there, click Connect Data Sources to create a new data source.

Create a Facebook pixel — data sources

Step 2. Create a New Data Source

There are three major types of data sources available in Events Manager:

  1. Web. Create a new Facebook pixel to track website conversions.
  2. App. Install the Facebook SDK to track mobile app conversions.

Offline. Use offline data to boost online conversions.

Create a Facebook pixel  — a new data source

Since you’re here to learn everything about creating a pixel on Facebook, choose the Web option. After that, click Get Started.

Create a Facebook pixel — connection methods

Next, you need to choose Facebook Pixel as your connection method and click Connect.

Create a Facebook pixel — details

Then enter a name for your pixel and check your website for easy setup options (if necessary) and click Continue.

Step 3. Add Pixel Code to Your Website

The third step is to connect your website by adding pixel code to all pages.

Create a Facebook pixel — code set up

You can connect website activity to Facebook using a pixel in two ways.

The first way is by manually adding pixel code to the header of every website page. If you don’t know what this means, you can click Email Instructions in the bottom right and ask for the help of tech-savvy professionals.

If you took advantage of a popular user-friendly CMS (like WordPress or WooCommerce) to build your online store, you can find your platform in the list and follow step-by-step instructions to finish the installation.

Create a Facebook pixel — Events Setup Tool

After you choose your installation method, you need to create events for your pixel.

Step 4. Set Up Facebook Pixel Events

The next step after adding pixel code is adding pixel events. Pixel events are actions Facebook users need to take to complete conversions on your website.

There are two types of events: standard and custom. 

Standard events include visiting a home page or placing an item in the shopping cart. You can add standard events using the Event Setup Tool in the Settings of your pixel.

Create a Facebook Pixel — events

Custom events come in handy when you want to track non-standard actions made by your customers on different pages. You can add them manually by means of code.

Now that we’ve reviewed how to create a Facebook pixel, let’s answer one of the most popular questions Facebook advertising newcomers have when learning how to create a new Facebook pixel.

Can I Create a Few Facebook Pixels?

When you create your first pixel, Facebook says you can create only one pixel per ad account.

Create a Facebook pixel — one pixel per website

However, Facebook has an exception for professional advertisers. Say you entrust creating and running your Facebook ads to several agencies and you want to provide each agency with separate access to your marketing activities. In this case, you can create a second Facebook pixel — or third or fourth. All you need to do is edit the code.

Create a Facebook pixel — two pixels in two codes

Here’s a detailed developer’s guide for everyone who wants to create multiple pixels for Facebook ads launched by multiple agencies.

How to Create a Facebook Pixel on the First Attempt

The first thing you should do is check your pixel and event code from A to Z to make sure you didn’t make any mistakes. After that, you can take advantage of these tools.

The Test Events Tool

The Test Events tool allows you to make sure Facebook correctly receives your pixel events and fix all possible bugs that happen after you set up those events.

Create a Facebook pixel — Test Events

To run this tool, click the Test Events tab in Events Manager. Then enter your website URL to open your website in a new window and start testing your events. Note that the Test Events tab must be open to conduct your test successfully. 

Once you start interacting with your website, the results will appear within 30 seconds. All test data remains for 24 hours or until you clear it. If your events don’t appear in the Test Events tab, turn off any ad blocking software, refresh your website, or try using a different browser.

The Diagnostics Tool

You’ll find the Diagnostics tool in the tab to the right of the Test Events tab. 
The Diagnostics tool shows issues that may occur after you create a Facebook pixel for a website and offers solutions.

Create a Facebook pixel — Diagnostics

If you can’t handle a problem alone, you can click the Send to Developer button and delegate the task to one or several developers on your team.

Facebook Pixel Helper

The Facebook Pixel Helper is a Google Chrome extension that allows you to know whether your pixel is completely installed, verify that your pixel works properly, receive troubleshooting suggestions, and improve pixel performance.

Create a Facebook pixel — Pixel Helper

After you learn how to create a pixel on Facebook, read this developer’s guide to learn how to correctly use the Pixel Helper tool.

Use Facebook Pixel to Track Video Ads Made by AI

Now that you know how to make a Facebook pixel your right hand helper in managing your Facebook marketing as well as which tools you need to work with it smoothly, don’t hesitate to test Softcube artificial intelligence to create high-quality video ads for an image-sized ad budget.

Soon after you launch AI-produced video ads, your Facebook pixel will show you how they boost your conversions. Good luck!

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