Today, companies have to create compelling content and promote it on digital ad channels like Facebook. Creating content is a 100% winning strategy. According to Statista, global content marketing revenue is increasing year by year.

If you don’t play the content game, you’ll lose your business. However, knowing the rules of the game and winning are two different things.

Allo Facebook Ads Case Study

eCommerce Facebook ads help retailers to grow, but not all retailers run their ad campaigns effectively.…


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Getting Ahead with Facebook Ads: eCommerce Case Study

Getting Ahead with Facebook Ads: eCommerce Case Study

Today, companies have to create compelling content and promote it on digital ad channels like Facebook. Creating content is a 100% winning strategy. According to Statista, global content marketing revenue is increasing year by year.

If you don’t play the content game, you’ll lose your business. However, knowing the rules of the game and winning are two different things.

Allo Facebook Ads Case Study

eCommerce Facebook ads help retailers to grow, but not all retailers run their ad campaigns effectively. How can you attract new leads in an oversaturated market? Let’s find out in this Allo Facebook ads case study.

What is Allo?

Allo is the second largest online marketplace in Ukraine, with over 11 million monthly visitors. The company offers over 120,000 products in 1,400 categories including phones, headphones, mobile devices, electronics, products for kids, perfumes and cosmetics, automobile accessories, home decor, and sporting goods.

Facebook Ads Case Study - Allo store

However, Allo isn’t just an online store. Originally established as a cell phone retailer in 1998, today this brand has over 1,000 physical stores in 130 locations around Ukraine. Nearly 18% of Allo customers order items online to collect them from a local store.

Allo Ads on Facebook: Images vs. Videos

Facebook is a great promotional channel for a company selling thousands of products every day. And video ads are one of the best-performing types of Facebook ads for eCommerce. It’s no secret that image-based ads look similar and dull. Static images have some limitations that prevent marketers from showing a product’s advantages.

After running hundreds of image ad remarketing campaigns on Facebook, Allo decided to take advantage of video ads to generate new leads. However, the company faced several challenges.

Large-Scale Video Production is a Real Challenge

Videos ads are much harder to create and launch than image-based ads. Creating and launching a video ad consists of five major steps:

  1. Create a video template.
  2. Source product footage.
  3. Compile and edit footage.
  4. Render the video.
  5. Set up and optimize a marketing campaign on Facebook.

It takes a lot of time to produce one video. The trick is that businesses have to produce thousands of engaging videos to keep up with demand, make the most of each video ad campaign, and achieve the highest possible ROI.

And this isn’t to mention A/B testing for different product groups and re-rendering whenever product descriptions change due to updates, sales, and so on.

To overcome this challenge, Allo reached out to Softcube. The Softcube team has developed a neural network that’s able to create a large number of product videos on short notice.

Engaging Product Videos Made Quickly

After receiving all necessary statistics from the Allo website, Softcube specialists:

  • used A/B testing to determine the best targeting ad sets for future campaigns;
  • compared static carousel ads used by Allo with dynamic video ads created by Softcube over one month to receive enough data for statistically significant results.

Usually, the Softcube team goes through five major video production steps we’ve mentioned in the chapter of this case study for Facebook ads. Every successful Softcube video ad launch consists of two phases.

First, the artificial intelligence engine produces video content. Second, a Softcube specialist adds this content to Facebook, setting up parameters for the ad campaign. All that remains is waiting for the results.

10 Best Allo Video Ads Produced by Softcube

Before disclosing the results of our Facebook product ads case study, let’s take a look at the ten most effective video advertisements that the Softcube neural network produced for Allo.

Most of the examples you see below are ads for smartphones, which is one of the most popular product types among Allo customers.

Fact: Every third smartphone owner in Ukraine is an Allo customer.

Google Pixel 2 XL

Apple iPhone 7

Huawei P20

Apple iPhone 7 Plus

Xiaomi Mi A1

Apple iPhone XR

Xiaomi Mi TV 4A 32

Apple iPhone XS Max

JBL T450BT BLK Black

Samsung Galaxy A8 2018

Allo and Softcube Partnership: What's the Outcome?

Allo is still working with Softcube to achieve its advertising objectives on the world’s top social media platform. This collaboration has already increased Allo's retail conversions.

Results show that video ads produced by Softcube achieve a 2.7 times higher conversion rate than static ads. Thanks to these video ads, Allo has already reached over one million Facebook leads that have later converted into real customers.

Video ads have not only improved Allo’s conversion rate but have also significantly decreased ad expenses. The new optimized campaigns have reduced conversion costs by 2.6 times.

We hope our Facebook ads eCommerce case study was helpful to you. If you'd like to know how the Softcube artificial intelligence works, you're welcome to test it by yourself.

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